Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Ibook development

for my Ibook i have been using bookry to add all my widgets and i have included

  • wordsearch
  • rebuild the image
  • youtube videos
  • spot the difference images
  • and web page links

i wanted to create an ibook that was visual exciting as well as being educational. the age range for the ibook was 16-19, so for students in education. all of my information on my ibook has been sourced from reputable website and also research websites. i have been documenting my progress in my skethchbook and i'm documenting the research for my website on my blog. i've nearly finished my ibook now as i wanted the rest of the time to focus on my website and get the help i need. I wanted to be more on top of my time managment this project as it is an important one and also because it is 2 projects mixed together. this way i have 3 weeks just for my website which i feel is enough time for me to compete, it has taken me about 2-3 weeks to complete my ibook the the standard i wanted it. 

i made the background on illustrator and am going to use the same background on my website. i have also used the font choices i chose in my pitch and am going to keep them the same on my website. i really enjoyed learning to use ibooks author and i feel i have produced a good ibook that i am pleased with, and i feel it has been produced to a good standard to what the brief asks for. as the weeks go by and my website takes place i will most likely tweak a few things. i have also stuck to certain shades of colours and have used the hex codes to achieve this. my ibook flo's through the pages nicely and is clear and precise.

in my sketchbook it shows how i reached the final product and also notes on what i did and how.

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