Wednesday, 20 November 2013

work in progress

i've created this stamp from the Pimm's website and i want to use this as the top of the "pin" you use to pin yourself on the map. i've stuck to the red/white/blue colour scheme and i think the stamp works really well with the Foglihten no7 font. The original stamp had a crown on the top but i've decided to not include this as it will look to crowded and i prefer it simple. for the white outline on the inside of the circle i drew a circle and then added anchor points and deleted them to create the open circle. 

This is a great british map which i have taken into illustrator and also took an image of the british flag. firstly i tried using a flat image of the union jack then i decided that the fabric effect looked better and did this after. firstly i dropped the map in then i dropped in the union jack flag and placed it underneath the map layer. i then merged layers together and used the magic wand and quick selection tool to create the map with the union jack background. i think this has worked really well and i'm really pleased with this effect. i need to neaten up the outline of the map and it looks quite pixelly but this is the direction i'm going for. 

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