Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Be Brief

Twitter as a social networking site only allows you 140 characters to tweet your message, this poster is focusing on this aspect. Also using the propaganda element by adding "The enemy might be listening in" which doesn't even make sense because tweeting is words and not sounds. You don't listen into what people are saying you read what they are saying. This is designed by a design studio called just one scarf. They also design a series of twitter propaganda posters including the one above. The blues on the eagle ( another point the bird is an american eagle symbolising power whereas twitter itself is logo'd with a small bird, maybe meaning you are smaller than you may think) the colours are fading into a darker blue with really enhances the central image, the clash with the orange birds (note not aeroplanes or such normally seen on a propaganda poster) which stay a flat colour all the way through. the background is almost halo-ed around the top of the eagles head again showing the power that the bird symbolises. and then fades into a darker more miserable brown. the text uses a strong large font. which has been watermarked to look old and faded. although the poster is saying be brief i feel there is more of a message such as the large american eagle showing it has more power over the smaller birds circling up above. i love the feel this poster gives you because of its empowering quality.  

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