Monday, 14 April 2014

My branding poster

This is a screenshot of my branding poster that i am working on, i have chosen green as this is a general colour that is used within computers and as we have no set colours i thought this might be a good colour to use. i used a bunting font as i felt this was quirky and different and would make you want to stop and look at the poster. instead of placing dots all over the poster which would of been the most obvious, i decided it would look nice to have 3 set lines to set off the font. i chose a cartoony style font for the other smaller details of the poster such as the venue and the time. i haven't gone into loads of detail on my poster as the class is going to put al of their work up on the board and we are going to discuss what poster we are going to use for the show. if my poster does get picked then i will add more details and add more information about the show but for now i am happy with the way this looks. 

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