im choosing to use this poster by J.Howard Miller as my poster, i think the colours work really well because they really clash it makes you look at the poster closer. the yellow background has a slight gradient into mustard yellow but the blue stays a flat colour. the top that she is wearing also has a slight blue gradient. there is a good use of shadowing on her arms as-well as her face. the big bold white text really stands out on the dark blue banner and the top. it feels as if she is actually speaking to you, making you want to work harder.
this is a photo of Christina Aguilera from her music video "candy man" where she is doing the pose of "Rosie the Riviter" this show how iconic the figure is to america. she is still being copied today and even celebrities are making it known to people.
Anouther version of this poster but this time it has been changed for breast cancer awareness. i don't know who designed this but there is not much difference with the poster. the colours have just been changed to pink and the title now reads "we can cure it" it still is really affective about what it is trying to achieve because it still talks about cancer awareness, there just isn't much personality to it or individuality. the logo on her collar has been changed to the breast cancer awareness logo.
Geraldine Hoff Doyle (July 31, 1924 – December 26, 2010) is believed to be the real life Rosie The Riveter, the artists J.Howard Miller saw a picture taken of her and used that as his inspiration for his poster. Geraldine Hoff was born in Inkster, Michigan. After graduating from high school in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1942 Doyle found work as a metal presser in the American Broach & Machine Co. of Ann Arbor. Because she was a cello player, Doyle feared a hand injury from the metal pressing machines and soon left the factory. she only worked there for 2 weeks and didnt realise that the poster was based on her photograph for may years.
You've chosen a strong iconic image as your inspiration. How are you going to tie this into promoting social media?